"Rudhramadevi" the warrior of queen movie is now celebrating 50 days (Ardha shathadhinotsavam) function in theatres.This film was released throughout the world.This movie is supporting by both telugu states.This is a historical story of Kakateeya dynasty .
Both telugu states Telangana and Andhrapradesh people are wishing this movie to be successful for more than 100 days.Because this story is belongs to both the regions .
In this movie Anushka Shetti done a main role as Rudramadevi. Daggupati Rana has a main male role.Allu Arjun also played a special role as a Gona Gannareddy.Gunashekar's direction and Ilayaraja,s music are plus points for this movie.
This movie has a 3D effects.Because this film used 3D technology for picturisation.
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